Why can more gifts be added to cart than it should be? How to prevent invalid action?

Invalid gift - Intentional addition of gift(s)


In every case, adding a gift that is invalid is considered as a fraudulent action and causes the order to be marked as "Fraud" and stop from being processed. By approving the orders that is marked as "Fraud", you are taking the responsible for the potential risks.

Situation Description

Sometimes, users can:

1/ Add more gifts without actually buying enough items to meet the requirement.

2/ Remove all the items required to buy in order to receive gift and check out with only free items.


Normally, after making any adjustment to the cart, our app would auto Refresh the page and check if the conditions are met or not and if the gift is added correctly or not. If not, any redundant gifts would be removed from the cart.

Due to the loading speed of some themes is longer than the average, the Refresh event is delayed, creating the opportunity for users to bypass our protection mechanism.

What you need to do

1/ Turn ON the 'Refresh page immediately after adding gift to cart' feature. It can be found in the 'Settings' page. The drawback of this feature is that it cause your store to load just a little slower.

2/ In case it takes too long for the cart page to be Refreshed, please contact to our Support team and request for a manual adjustment.

You can contact us through:

  • In-app chat box in the bottom-right corner

  • Send us an email: support.sortecom@techverest.com

Last updated