Mechanism of calculating fraud order

  1. What is a Fraud order?

A fraud order is a purchase order that is considered illegitimate or invalid, usually resulting from fraudulent activity or misrepresented information provided during a transaction. This may involve the use of invalid payment information, impersonation of a fake customer, or other fraudulent behaviors for personal gain or to cause harm to a business.


In every case, adding an invalid gift is considered a fraudulent action and causes the order to be marked as "Fraud" and stopped from being processed. By approving orders marked as "Fraud," you are taking responsibility for the potential risks.

  1. Situation Description

1/Add more gifts without actually buying enough items to meet the requirement.

2/Remove all the items required to buy to receive the gift and check out with only free items.

3/The cart value applied for the gift as determined by our application differs (In the cart page, we calculate the gift criteria based on the cart value before Shopify applies the discount code), causing the final value not to match the gift criteria in the order management system. This is suspected to be a conflict between our system and the Shopify discount code function, resulting in the order being marked as "fraud risk".

  1. What you need to do?

1/Turn ON the 'Refresh page immediately after adding a gift to the cart' feature. It can be found in the 'Settings' page. The drawback of this feature is that it causes your store to load a little slower.

2/Contact steps for handling the situation quickly and effectively:

Step 1: Thoroughly check according to the document.

Step 2: Request support.

You can contact us through:

Step 3: Grant order permission to the email

Last updated