How to create Discount by specific URL campaign?
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Discount by specific URL campaign provides you with a special URL (link). Only customer enter your store with this special link can receive the gift offer.
This link leads customer directly to your store's website (the same as your original website). The only difference is that the special link include in the its domain a "discount code", which distinguishes it form the original link.
You can generate this campaign and provide the link to specific customers (VIP, partners,...)
If you want to set up Buy more Get more campaign, please follow these steps below:
First of all, you need to access to the app from the Shopify Admin page.
Then, click the “Create new campaign” button in the campaign page.
Choose the rule Discount by specific URL. Then click the button “Apply Rule”.
You can set up the quantity of Discount by specific URL product in the campaign or switch it to "inventory not tracked"
Finally, you can customize the displayed pop-up and then click to "Create" button to apply the rule on your Shopify store.